?DC Universe? Thor: Ragnarok Movie

Thor: Ragnarok ?DC Universe?



Duration - 130 minutes; Casts - Chris Hemsworth; Year - 2017; Summary - Thor: Ragnarok is a movie starring Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, and Cate Blanchett. Imprisoned on the planet Sakaar, Thor must race against time to return to Asgard and stop Ragnarök, the destruction of his world, at the hands; Directed by - Taika Waititi; Genre - Sci-Fi






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The Hulk part was on another level. I found it fitting, funny not overdone and more verbal than previous installments.
Chris "Thor" did a great job.
Overall I"d say movie is good and enjoyable.

Thor:ragnarok movie. This movie begins with "Thor" Chris Hemsworth) having been captured by a giant demon named "Surtur" a CGI with the voice of Clancy Brown) who intends to kill him very soon. But before doing this Surtur tells Thor that his father "Odin" Anthony Hopkins) has mysteriously abandoned Asgard which will now allow him to fulfill the prophecy known as Ragnorok and thereby entirely destroy that vaunted realm. Fortunately, Thor manages to escape from his chains and quickly seizes the crown of Surtur- which is the main catalyst for initiating Ragnorok- and then departs before Surtur can attempt to recover it. What Thor doesn"t know is that Odin is extremely ill and upon his death his powerful and extremely evil daughter "Hela" Cate Blanchett) will be released from imprisonment and lay claim to the throne of Asgard-which is possibly even worse than the possibility of Ragnorok ever was. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was an entertaining movie which contained ample amounts of action and comedy. Unfortunately, some of the comedy seemed a bit unnecessary and the numerous subplots sometimes made it difficult to follow as well. But all in all it was an entertaining film for the most part and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.

The movie has really smooth and the plot well going ! Good and powerfull villan. The acting from all the actors is awsome. It has good lines for laughing and the action scenes as awsome! I whould like little bit more hulk, but is a Thor movie right ? ??. Thor: ragnarok movie skurge. Thor: Ragnarok movie maker. Thor 3a ragnarok movie scene. Ultimately, it"s like most of the Marvel movies; slick but shallow, doesn"t take it self seriously, and full of obligatory CGI fight scenes with no real impact. Ragnarok basically throws in all the great stuff from the Thor comics that haven"t been used yet, pays lip service to them, and then makes a mockery of the whole thing. Hulk fighting Thor? Has no impact because it"s all so comedic. It"s just empty spectacle. The whole movie is like that.
So much here is wasted. Heimdall (Idris Elba looks like he didn"t even want to be there. Cate Blanchett. Odin. Skurge. The Fenris Wolf. Surtur. Planet Hulk. The whole Ragnarok myth is reduced to not very much. All sacrificed at the alter of constant, silly gags.
If you want some dumb, silly, spectacular entertainment, it"s passable, but Thor: Ragnarok is a terrible waste of potential and great source material.





